Sunday, March 15, 2009


Before we get started a quick story (you'll get the point later in the recipe).

When we were first married, my wife decided to surprise me with a new recipe that she found from some generic article in the Seattle Times.  

It was for Sweet and Sour Chicken.  It called out to use 1 cup of Heinz Chili Sauce which is very bland like ketchup. I took a bite at dinner and you can guess what happened.

Steam shot out my ears.  Sweat ran down my neck and forehead. She asked me if I thought maybe it was kind of hot?

So, being newly weds, I gently replied "Oh, I don't know." "How do you feel about this recipe?"

She replied, "Gee I think it's a bit warm!"

"Really?" "Oh I'm not so sure about that, what did you use?"

"Oh it said to use Heinz Chili Sauce, but we don't have any and you're always telling me to be creative when I cook so I just substituted a cup of this Thai Chili paste."

Point taken.

2 qts water
2cups brown sugar
6 tblsp yellow mustard
1 large onion chopped
5 cloves garlic
1/2 stick butter (ok to substitute olive oil for sauteing onions and garlic)
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 tblsp cayanne
2 29 0z cans tomato sauce
1 12 oz can salsa casera or equivalent (remember the story above)
1/4 cup Durkees Louisiana Red Hot Sauce or equivalent (Remember the story above)
1/4 cup Trapper Mexi-Pep Hot Sauce or equivalent (remember the story above)

Saute onions and garlic (I've even added shredded carrots)
Glop everything into a large pot and cook, and cook, and cook sloooowly so it doesn't burn.
I would leave the lid off since we want to reduce the liquids somewhat.

Taste and adjust to suit your tastebuds. Remember, you may like more vinegar, or brown sugar, or mustard, or you may just want to use ketchup instead of tomato sauce!  Again it's up to you and how you want the sauce to taste - try it, experiment!

Try cooking several more times over the next couple of days and then package what you need to take up to Ross lake Resort!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post Paul! We're glad to have Ross Lake Resort as a neighbor too. I've had some great times there on the dock getting canoes ready with the North Cascades Wild kids, not to mention riding across the lake on the motorboat!


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